Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The "Chesterfield Arts" challenge: "The Strawberry Cake"

This is the new challenge from the "Chesterfield Arts", the non-profit art organization I work for, as an instructor. 

This delicious piece of cake is the original work of one of our students with special needs from "Kaleidoscope" class. 

My challenge is to create art work inspired by this painting... 
Both works are going to feature in the exhibition "The Inspiration"

Mmm, what should I do? 

I have to confess, that I already have a few ideas that make me laugh aloud,and I be delighted to share them with you...

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Birth of "Dina"

I decided to try something new with Dina. She will be my first BJD doll. It is my first attempt to make one, let's see how it goes. I am pretty happy with the head so far. Too much gloss on the lips can be fixed easily enough.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Working on Pierrot

I am happy to annonce that my little Pierrot is complete at last! This labor of love took me about four weeks to complete. In the process I experimented with the new ways and materials. It was quite a journey! I
I love to start working from the head:
it helps me to define the character.
am pretty pleased with the result, but of course, there is space for improvement. Here is the journey from the beginning to the end. I decided to reveal it to you, and if it inspires anyone I would be very happy.
Here is how it all started...
Blue print and the armature.
You simply can't underestimate that.
They are the foundation of the figure.
Earlier, I already used this image:
legs, arms, hands and feet are freshly backed and
 ready to be mounted on the armature.
Now the doll is assembled!
I love this stage: finally I can see the whole figure!

I prefer to make my figures completely adjustable
to different postures.

Making clothes presents a great challenge:
it takes as long, or maybe longer to
design and sew the costume as
to assemble the doll itself.

What a journey! I loved every minute of it! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pierrot, My New Project

Yes, another lovely personage from "Commedia Dell' Arte" This is my favorite! In Italian theater his name is Pedrolino, but I like French  "Pierrot" better. Pierrot is a gentle, dreamy, slightly melancholic character. He is sweet and kind boy, younger brother of silly and hyperactive Arlecchinno.
I thought about creating him for a long time, and finally got to it. My Pierrot is very young, almost a child. Traditionally, this part was played by the youngest actors.

Pierrot is already fully assembled, and I am ready to create his costume.  I intend to follow the tradition of the costume of course, but create my own interpreation.