Sunday, August 23, 2015

Working on Rosie

One of the heads from the "August Project"reminds me of my
childhood. I decided to start with this little head. I called the
doll "Rosie".

 She reminds me of time, when I was a little girl.
Once upon a time (long, long time ago)  I had a beautiful German made doll.  I called it "Rosie" because of her sweet face and a pink dress. "Rosie" was my all time favorite. Therefore all my sweetest childhood memories associated with her.

"Rosie" is the first doll of mine that will have a musical mechanism with motion inside. I am not very technical person, therefore I did not make the mechanism myself. The mechanism I found attached to an old broken  porcelain doll, that I bought for four dollars in a thrift store.

I am a thrift store junkie. Love them, thrift stores. It is like going hunting or looking for a hidden treasure. I found quite a few old musical mechanisms this way. "Rosie" is the first to have one inside her.

Here are the first steps of working on "Rosie"

Saturday, August 15, 2015

The August Project: Saturday Fun

August is one of my favorite months. There is slight shift in the nature toward the Fall season, nothing major, yet sun light is slightly softer and more golden, the light breeze brings just a hint of coolness, leaves on the trees are whispering wistfully… sky is so blue. Love it.

Today is the perfect Saturday day, beautiful weather. You would think that I say all that because I enjoy this weather to the full extend, spending my time outside, however it is not so, not quite.

Today I have my precious "ME" time that I was anticipating all week long. Today I sit in my studio, admire the golden day from inside. I am painting today and having so much fun!
Painting is important part of doll making, well done painting breaths life into face of a doll, layer by layer.

For painting polymer clay, I prefer to use Heat Set Oil paints, they do not dry out until they are baked.  I prefer to bake the layers gradually adding more, like china paint. Therefore, painting heads and hands is slow process. The finishing touches I add by "Fiber Castle" markers, they also need to be baked for sealing.

Here are the results of my hard today's work:

This little girl reminds me of me, when I was little.

I just love this little sweetie! 

The Wild Thing! The ears were an experiment!
The light is almost magical.
It is a perfect Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August Projects

I have decided to use new approach to doll making. Before now, I have been working on one doll at the time. This time I tried to start multiple projects at the same time.

Why? I don't know… I just wanted to practice sculpting heads, then hands. This is how I ended up with these three funny characters. I did not have anything special in mind when I started them, so I decided to take it as it goes. Here is what I came up with:

I like all three of them, and it starts getting interesting as the ideas form in my head about what to do next. Oh the possibilities! I will keep you posted.